
There are many days where it is all surreal to me that I am a mother. I know I should be use to it by now because I had her inside of me for practically 40 weeks and she is now 8 1/2 weeks old. But, there are days where I am still getting use to having someone else depend on me every waking minute they are not sleeping and to be their only source of food.

This doesn’t change the way I feel about her at all. Every smile I get just melts my heart. Seeing that she recognizes my voice amazes me. Watching her learn new things brings joy. All these new and exciting things I get to experience daily is wonderful and I am just AMAZED.

I am amazed at how blessed we are to have a healthy little girl that loves sleeping. I am amazed at how perfectly God created everything about her and how much she looks and acts like Jordan and myself. I am amazed at her own little personality with every facial expression and smile.

Mainly, I am just amazed that God is allowing us to raise his daughter and thankful for every minute we have with her everyday!

Isn’t God amazing?


In Him,

{Isabel : 1 Month}

Last Saturday, January 7th, Isabel turned a whole month old! I am not the best photographer, and some of my pictures got corrupted when I was downloading. But here are a few from that day:

Over the past month, we have seen a LOT of change. Here are a few things we have learned about little miss Isabel:

1. She eats 2-3 oz every 2-4 hours.

2. She is a GREAT sleeper. The most she has slept is 8 hours at one time! I, however, got less sleep because I woke up every hour making sure she was still alive!

3. She smiles a TON!

4. She loves the sound of water and taking a bath.

5. She makes some of the greatest faces. Ben Bradley said, “She just went through every emotion of facial expression at one time!” Then, he proceeded to try to show us!

Yep, she is a growing little girl. There are days where her momma isn’t sure what to do or what to think, but Isabel has brought so much joy into our lives; it is unexplainable!

In Him,


P.S. Thanks to Jake, Renae, Asher and Cyan Bradley for the cute headband!!

Birth Story

1 month ago, our baby girl came into this world! Here is how her grand arrival happened…

Around midnight I started feeling some contractions. I was not sure if they were the real thing because they were so far apart some were 10 minutes some were 15 minutes apart.  Therefore, I went back to bed thinking it was all a dream. However, an hour later, the pain was still there and I could not sleep through them. I started walking the apartment and sitting on the exercise ball while Jordan timed them with an app on his phone. They were now 8 minutes apart. I was pumped because it was the early stage of labor. For the next 2-3 hours, I paced the apartment while Jordan timed and got the hospital bag all packed up. By 3:30 a.m., my contraction were between 3-5 minutes apart and I made the call to the hospital telling them we were on our way. I was in a small amount of pain, but nothing I could not breathe through and squeeze Jordan’s hand. At 4 a.m., we made it to the hospital and Jordan dropped me off at the Emergency Room door since the main doors were not open till around 7 a.m.  We had taken the birthing class at the hospital on November 12th that included a hospital tour; so, we knew exactly where to go.

When we got to the 4th floor at the hospital, the nurse was waiting for us at the desk. She took us to room 477. It took an hour to get us checked in and hooked up to make sure everything was going good. I made sure they knew I wanted a NATURAL BIRTH, therefore, I didn’t want to sit on the monitors or have any IVs so I could be free about the room to move and help the labor progress.  I was also checked upon arrival finding out I was 3 cm. It was a relief to know I had progressed from my 1 cm two weeks before. I was excited to know that it was happening and that there was not turning back!

Over the next few hours, I paced the hospital room and worked out my contractions on an exercise ball. We had a change over in staff and we got the most wonderful nurse ever, Beth. At around 8, Alice, our midwife, came in to check on how everything was going.  She told us that I needed to get a precautionary IV because I was anemic during my pregnancy.  I continued to pace the hospital room. I still was able to hold decent conversations with Jordan and the nurse throughout the morning. My way of dealing with the pain every 2-4 minutes was to stop and just take deep breaths through the contraction. Alice comes back at 9 and checks my progression. I am 5 cm! I just had to keep doing what I was doing. 🙂

At 11, Alice came back in to check my progression. She talked to us about breaking my water if I had not progressed since my first check at 4 that morning. Turned out, I was 7 cm! Again, it was very exciting news. While in labor, you are in a lot of pain, but you never know if anything is actually happening. I have heard many stories of women who go through labor and barely progress even though their pain is intense and they feel like something is happening. Therefore, I was very excited to have progressed. Alice was also very happy with my progression and decided to let me keep going as I was waiting to break my water or waiting to see if it breaks on its own. At this time, I chose to spend some time in the Jacuzzi Tub. I thought the heat would help with the increasing pain and the jets would feel really good on my body. I went well for an hour in the tub, and it was a nice change-up. However, I was ready to start walking again. We walked the hospital room for another hour and decided to take a rest. To my surprise, I was able to nap for about 30 minutes. Of course, I was not completely sleep, but I rested and Jordan took a good nap!

At 1, it is time for another check in with Alice.  I was between 8-9 cm! Man, it felt so good to be so close to being done! Alice decided it would be best to break my water and help the labor progress even more quickly. I knew my pain was about to get worse, but I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. Alice described that with my water still in tact, there was a cushion between the baby’s head and me that helped alleviate some pressure. When the water is broken, there is no more cushion and my pain would intensify. There are no words to describe the pain I started feeling after my water was broken. I spent the next 2 hours on the exercise ball and breathing through my contractions happening every 2-3 minutes. At 2:30, Alice could tell it would not be long before it was time for me to push. She brought her knitting into the room and just waited with us; encouraging me through the pain. While on the ball, I began feeling the urge to push.  It was not a huge urge, but I knew I need to be in a better position to start. I got back up on the bed, and Alice checked my progression again. I was only 9 1/2 cm. She told me that I needed to resist any urge to push because I was not fully dilated. Resisting to push was extremely hard. Around 3, the urges became more known and the last stage of labor began!

I began pushing around 3. Jordan stood on one side and the new nurse stood on the other. I had heard there were more ways to deliver a baby than just on your back laying down. However, that is what felt most comfortable at the time. I don’t want to go into the gruesome details on the next hour. At one point, the baby’s head was crowning and Alice asked if I wanted to see it. I yelled “NO, I am ready to be done!” Isabel Anne came to us at 3:54 p.m. She was laid on my chest immediately and my first thoughts were “YOU ARE SO SMALL!” She was so beautiful! She did not come out crying. This is actually a good sign. If the baby comes out sleeping, then labor was not stressful at all for the baby. I was overjoyed!

The nurse begins to tussle her about to get her to cry a little. Jordan cut the cord. He describes it as the toughest thing to cut! On TV, the other men do not seem to have a hard time, haha. They took her over and weighted and measured her. The nurse would say the measurements out loud, but I do not remember hearing them. I think I was in shock that I just delivered a baby and in awe of her laying over there! It was a bit of confusion and love mixed together!

Overall, my labor and delivery went very smooth. I am so glad I went all natural and knew what to do at the right time. God really watched over Isabel and I through the whole process and blessed us completely! We give all the Glory to Him for allowing us to be parents to little Miss Isabel!

Just a side note, we had the best nurse, Beth. She was extremely helpful and very supportive of my natural birth. She also kept us updated on every little detail and answered all my questions (there were quite a few!). Beth’s shift ended at 3 with us. I was in the middle of delivery, but I noticed her in the background watching and making sure everything continued to go smoothly. She had been with us for 90% of labor! We thank God for having such a helping hand!!

Mandy B. Stenberg came exactly 24 hours after Isabel was born and took was GREAT pics!


Overall, my labor and delivery went very smooth. I am so glad I went all natural and knew what to do at the right time. God really watched over Isabel and I through the whole process and blessed us completely! We give all the Glory to Him for allowing us to be parents to little Miss Isabel!

In Him,


Christmas 2011

This post may be a bit late but our Christmas… well all of December… was extremely eventful!

First, Our precious Little Miss Isabel came on December 7. We had our first night at home on December 9. My mom joined in to help for 3 WEEKS on December 11. My birthday was on December 12. My sister came for Christmas and to meet her niece on December 18. My dad and brother came on December 21 for Christmas and to meet Isabel. Then, everyone stayed and we celebrated and relaxed together till the 28th! Whew! That was a lot for a short time! To commemorate the time… Here are a few pictures 🙂

Our first family Christmas!

Blunt/Bradley’s on Christmas Eve

Pap-Paw and Mam-Maw with Isabel

Blunt Children

Grandma and Grandpa Bradley

Teyze showing the love

It all runs in the family!

Our Christmas Tree

Isabel slept through the opening of gifts.

Patrick’s gift to me 🙂 (I Cried!)

All in all… it was a GREAT CHRISTMAS!

In Him,


Smiles for the New Year

Happy New Year!

What a new year this will be for the Bradley family! There are lots of new adventures and trials that are coming our way and sometimes I think we are ready, but mostly, it will be a BiG learning curve!

I wanted to make some new year resolutions for myself. Just a few small ones 🙂

1. Make our bed daily
– This may seem like a small deal. However, I think it will make a big difference in our life as it will bring a sense of comfort knowing that something is in order when maybe everything around me is chaos!

2. Blog at least once a week if not more.
– This will be a combination of family news and just things we are doing in our life up here in Iowa.

3. Start running again.
– I have really missed running. I want to do some 5K’s once the summer comes around. Isabel will be joining the fun in her Jogging Stroller!

Those are it! Small but large accomplishments at the end of this year! I’ll keep everyone updated on how they are going!!

In Him,


P.S. We have been getting some sweet smiles from our Little Miss Isabel 🙂

Isabel Anne

14 days ago, We welcomed our first daughter into this world!

Isabel Anne Bradley
7 lbs. 1 oz.
20 inches long
13.1 head circumference

God’s special Christmas gift!

I am working on my birth story right now!  I will post when Christmas is over! Too much to do! Plus tons of pics to come!


In Him,


{Time has Flown}

Wow, time has flown since my last blog post. What all has happened you ask??

1. I began working more which is the cause of my delay in blogging!

2. Baby has continued to grow amazingly and I am reaching the end here in the next few days!

3. Baby’s room is full of goodies from two wonderful showers and the love of family and friends!

As I try to patiently wait her arrival, I will try and post more and more each day with lots of pics 🙂

Just for fun, here is a pic when I was 32 weeks taken by a good friend photographer Mandybee Photography!

In Him,


{Baby Bradley Clothes}

With our life right now, it is important to get the best deals possible. So, we have spent a lot of our Saturday morning going to garage sales to find baby Bradley some clothes! Overall, I think we spent at most $40 for all these clothes plus Catie sent baby some money too!

These are all of baby’s clothes thus far!

With the $20 Catie (who wants to be called Teyze) sent, we got all of this!

Baby’s first shoes! and they were only 10 cents!

We are so thankful to be able to get all of these clothes for baby! Keep us in your prayers!

In Him,
